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Would you like one-on-one expert assistance with crafting amazing supplemental essays that help you stand out from the crowd and get you admitted? Whether you need help brainstorming ideas, structuring your essays, or refining your writing, we're here to provide personalized guidance every step of the way.

​The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) is known for its rigorous STEM programs and even more so, its research. Smaller than most universities, Caltech not only emphasizes the significance of STEM courses to become a scientist, but also encompasses a core curriculum with humanities and social science classes. Its goal is to create the next generation of renowned scientists and thinkers, with a strong emphasis on collaboration and teamwork. Boasting 47 Nobel prize winners, Caltech has the highest number of Nobel laureates per capita in the United States. Self proclaimed as an “unapologetic STEM institution,” Caltech does not fear to challenge and develop the brightest minds for the daunting task of discovery and research. 

The Caltech supplemental essays consist of four required supplements, three with 200 words and one with 400 words. Caltech also has five optional supplements. Optional supplements are there to allow applicants to further explain their life. These questions target any awards they did not get a chance to explain, any extenuating circumstances, or more about their personality and whether they are a good fit for the school. Completing these optional supplements is recommended as they give the admission officers more opportunities to learn about why they should admit you. 

How to Write the Caltech Supplemental Essay #1

PROMPT: Because of the rigorous courses in the core curriculum, Caltech students don't declare a major until the end of their first year. However, some students arrive knowing which academic fields and areas already most excite them, or which novel fields and areas they most want to explore. If you had to choose an area of interest or two today, what would you choose? Why did you choose that area of interest? (Max: 200 words)


At Caltech, the emphasis lies not in selecting the most popular or standout majors but rather on the authenticity and depth of an applicant's interests. In turn, this prompt presents an invaluable opportunity for applicants to elucidate their academic motivations and to delineate how these aspirations align with their envisioned educational path at the institute. The admissions committee seeks candidates who can articulate a compelling narrative about their intellectual journey and the factors that have shaped their pursuits up until that point. They also value individuals who can demonstrate a profound commitment to their chosen field of study and a clear understanding of how they arrived at such a decision.

How to Write the Caltech Supplemental Essay #2

PROMPT: At Caltech, we investigate some of the most challenging, fundamental problems in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Identify and describe two STEM-related experiences from your high school years, either in or out of the classroom, and tell us how and why they activated your curiosity. What about them made you want to learn more and explore further? (Max: 200 words for each)


As one of the frontrunners of research and innovation within STEM fields, Caltech requires its applicants to be just as invested in these discoveries as it is. Applicants are thus expected to present a genuine passion that drives their engagement with scientific inquiry and investigation.


However, given that this prompt demands that students cite two specific experiences, it is imperative to not just recount such moments but rather to vividly illustrate how they came to shape your academic mindset. Engage the admissions officers by painting a detailed picture of the challenges you faced, the discoveries you made, and the insights you gained during these instances. Articulate why these experiences sparked your curiosity and drive. Delve into the aspects of each experience that fascinated you: the problem-solving process, the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge, or perhaps the chance to collaborate with peers or mentors. Show how these elements motivated you to dig deeper into the subject matter. Moreover, outline your vision for the future and how Caltech can help you to achieve that goal. Demonstrate your understanding of the school’s research-intensive environment and how you intend to leverage its resources, faculty expertise, and collaborative opportunities to advance your STEM-related interests. In doing so, you will be able to create a compelling narrative that displays your readiness to thrive within the curious community at Caltech.


While the prompt allows for applicants to write on experiences that are both in or out of the classroom, we would advise that you choose one from these two options, provided that there are substantive examples for each. That way, you can best exhibit your academic excellence within structured educational settings, all the while denoting your capacity for applying theoretical knowledge to real-world contexts or specialized programs beyond traditional classroom boundaries.

How to Write the Caltech Supplemental Essay #3

PROMPT: The creativity, inventiveness, and innovation of Caltech's students, faculty, and researchers have won Nobel Prizes and put rovers on Mars. But teachers also imagine smaller scale innovations every day, from new ways to design solar cells to how to 3D print dorm decor. How have you been a creator, inventor, or innovator in your own life? (Max 250 words)


In this essay, Caltech seeks to identify individuals poised to join the next generation of innovators. They want to see if you can thrive among award-winning faculty members who embody the spirit of invention. Consequently, you must convey not only your passion for advancing science but also your dedication to developing novel methods and projects in that endeavor. To do this, be sure to share personal examples of how you have implemented creativity and ingenuity in your own life. The moments that you choose should indicate how such an approach eventually led to tangible outcomes for you, in conjunction with signaling your ability to contribute to Caltech's forward-thinking community more generally. However, as suggested in the prompt, these instances do not necessarily have to amount to monumental contributions to society (though of course, it would be great if that were the case). Whether your passion for innovation manifests either through a clever solution to a common problem or a mere hobby that you love to indulge in, just remember that the key to this essay is proving your willingness to think outside the box and to experiment with new ideas. 

How to Write the Caltech Supplemental Essay #4

PROMPT: Caltech's mission – to cultivate learning, discovery, and innovation for the benefit of humanity – relies on its community members embracing fundamental Caltech values:

●    Openness and enthusiasm for having preconceptions challenged

●    Respect and appreciation for the idea that, while we are all members of the same community, the opportunities we've had to develop, showcase, and apply our talents have not been equal

●    Passion for the ideal that science can and should meaningfully improve the lives of others

Share what one or more of these values evokes for you. (Max: 400 words)


This is the longest supplemental essay requested by Caltech, so use as much of the word count as possible to understand what each of the aforementioned ideals signifies and to convey why you resonate with these core principles in particular. Amidst this process, you should reflect on what these university standards mean to you while also outlining the ways in which you have already worked to uphold them throughout your life.


In attempting to respond to the first value, for instance, consider a moment when one of the preconceived notions you held was upended. Did you welcome these new perspectives with open arms? Did this result in forms of personal growth or change? Ideally, you should be responding to these questions in the affirmative, given that you want to highlight how these instances eventually came to foster your sense of receptivity to the unfamiliar.


When contemplating the second value, notice how Caltech essentially hopes that you acknowledge that there are diverse opportunities available to people from different backgrounds. In turn, it might be helpful for you to include an anecdote from when you actively contributed to promoting inclusivity and equality, whether it be through community service, advocacy, or mentorship. Perhaps you volunteered at an underfunded school, offering tutoring and resources to students who harbored the talent but lacked the privilege that you might have had. Or maybe you can draw from your own experiences with inequality, provided that you faced them growing up as well. Either way, underscoring such anecdotes can serve to explain both your awareness of disparate circumstances and your commitment to social equity.


Finally, for the last value, think about your dedication to applying scientific knowledge for the greater good. After all, Caltech is looking for compassionate scientists who are aiming to pursue the field of science for benevolent reasons. Therefore, make sure to detail specific projects or initiatives where your scientific ventures were directed at solving real-world problems that benefit others. Focus on illustrating your belief in the transformative power of science and in the positive impact that related discoveries may subsequently bestow.

How to Write the Caltech Optional Essays

Although there are five optional supplements, do not feel pressured to complete them. Caltech is not trying to trick its applicants. They do not deem these supplements as necessary for admission, although they can definitely help. If you feel like your other supplements are not adequately portraying you fully, then complete these supplements. They are simply an opportunity to further explain to the admissions officer why you belong on their campus.

Would you like one-on-one expert assistance with crafting amazing supplemental essays that help you stand out from the crowd and get you admitted? Whether you need help brainstorming ideas, structuring your essays, or refining your writing, we're here to provide personalized guidance every step of the way.


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