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College Admissions Office


Whether your student is in 8th grade wondering which classes to take as high school approaches, or a senior already engaged in the college application process, we offer a comprehensive, individually tailored college counseling program to help guide them throughout the entire process. Our proven methodology ensures that students gain acceptance into their best-fit colleges. We will work with your student to:  

  • Refine coursework plans, testing schedules, and extracurricular activities

  • Research colleges and develop a balanced list based on your student’s needs and desires

  • Facilitate or improve teacher relationships, and ultimately select teachers for letters of recommendation

  • Identify and recommend extracurricular and summer activities, as well as internship opportunities

  • Plan for and prioritize college visits, including preparing for college interviews

  • Keep your student on task to complete all components of the college application

  • Brainstorm, draft, edit, and revise the personal statement and any supplements in order to perfect them and put together cohesive, compelling applications

  • Evaluate offers of admission as well as develop a strategy for waitlist and deferral decisions


Our overall approach is to ensure that your student is reaching their full potential inside and outside of the classroom. Given the extremely competitive nature of admissions to top-tier schools, our ultimate goal is to make sure that every aspect of the admissions process is geared toward making your student stand out among the exceptional pool of applicants that they will be competing against. Our expertise and insights into the college admissions process will guarantee that the absolute best possible application will be created.

College Admissions Counseling Strategy


College Admissions Counseling Timeline

Colleges consider all four years of high school grades, courses, activities, summer plans, and awards when reviewing applicants, so it’s important to start the college preparation process as early as possible.


During freshman and sophomore year, students work with us to identify interests, plan challenging course loads, select appropriate and impactful extracurricular activities as well as summer experiences and independent projects.


As students approach junior year, the most critical college prep year, they will work with us to execute their test prep plan, continue to focus on performing well in the classroomcraft a challenging course load for senior year, finalize their balanced college list, refine their application strategy, and begin to brainstorm a compelling personal statement.


Leading up to and during senior year, students will work with us to finalize their college list and all application elements including the personal statement and all supplements in order to complete their applications well ahead of deadlines.


We pride ourselves for providing exceptional service and are thankful for the many kind words that we consistently receive from our valued clients.

“Our daughter is very bright and gifted, but we weren’t sure where to focus her time regarding activities outside of the classroom. The guidance we received was invaluable. The resume that she ultimately was able to build resulted in several offers of admission from top universities, which would most likely not have materialized otherwise. Thank you so much for helping her achieve her academic dreams!”

    - Boston

“The assistance provided went beyond the usual course recommendations and putting together a college list. We were presented with treasured information regarding how admission committees evaluate candidates and the qualities that they look for. This knowledge completely opened our eyes regarding what needed to be done to steer our child in the right direction.”

    - San Diego

“From day one, our advisor went the extra mile to thoroughly answer all of our questions and concerns about the admissions process. She was kind, thoughtful, and always available. In addition, she really understood our son and what makes him tick. By knowing him so well, she was able to help us create a 4-year plan that combined his interests and passions with specific pursuits that would impress admissions officers. We cannot stress how important our advisor was to us as a family. Our initial stress went to a feeling of confidence after our first meeting. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!”

    - Atlanta

“We always wanted our daughter to attend an Ivy League school or a college of similar caliber. With your help, she was accepted to Brown, Penn, Chicago, NYU, and …. will be attending Yale in the fall! Top marks for the amazing services provided.”

    - New York City

Admissionss Essay Expert College Counseling Services


Our thorough and comprehensive process includes all of the following:

  • Detailed assessment of the student’s needs

  • Assessment of student’s high school courses and extra-curricular activities and development of recommendations to enhance courses and activities

  • Review of educational and personal histories, school records, and educational testing results

  • Analysis of student’s interests, strengths, skills, and academic and extracurricular goals

  • Identify and recommend extracurricular and summer activities, as well as internship opportunities

  • Creation of a college application timeline

  • Family conference regarding college preference

  • Search of schools and programs and list of potential schools

  • Student college aspiration assessment and creation of customized target college list

  • Evaluation of student’s merit aid, scholarship, and college aid eligibility

  • Advice on securing letters of recommendation

  • Development of “to do” list for educational testing, college visits, application completion and submission

  • Assistance with the common application as well as school specific applications

  • College visit advice and preparation

  • Preparation for college interviews

  • Keeping student on task to complete all components of the college application

  • Provide college scholarship and financial aid resources and guidance

  • Scholarship essay topic selection 

  • Review of appropriate timelines and college planning checklists

  • Admissions essay topic selection and essay brainstorming

  • Full critique of completed applications

  • Evaluate offers of admission and develop a strategy for waitlist and deferral decisions

  • Support with the final enrollment decision

  • Maintaining the standards of the Independent Educational Consultants Association and the National Association of College Admissions Counseling


Ready to embark on your college admissions journey? We provide a free consultation and are happy to answer any questions you may have.


We're excited about the opportunity to help you gain admission to your dream college!

College Admissions Essay Expert graduating students
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